Thursday 26 March 2009

AP class

Sorry its been so long since Ive updated the blog. I think the last internet cafe I used had tonnes of viruses so the page now looks a bit odd!

Things have changed quite a bit from when I last posted. Im still teaching at the nursery for part of the week but Im now working with an advanced (AP) class in grade 6 at the primary school. Most of the kids are 14 or 15 which is a bit strange! I started teaching them English but Ive changed to teaching Maths which im more comfortable with. ItÅ› still difficult for the kids to understand me, even in grade 6, but its slowly getting easier. I also run a games session for the AP class on Fridays which they love. Ive brought a play parachute with me and used it on the first session which got ripped. They keep requesting for it to be brought out again so ill have to keep getting it stitched up!

The school council want a garden built so they can plant vegetables and sell them to buy resources for the nursery kids. MondoChallenge have no funds at the moment so Im going to try and help start it in the Easter holidays. There is another volunteer coming to help me at the nursery school in April so we will be able to work together on some new ideas.

Im still happy in Makumbaya and my host family are great to me. Theyve got me in touch with a friend of theirs called Cosmos who teaches djembe and other african drumming. Im learning with him and also making my own drums! Hes is a good teacher but I have to be smart with him. Hes trying to get me to buy a lot of drums so Ill have to watch and keep a good record of what I pay him!

There have been several problems though in the village with people being accused of witchcraft and there has been a dispute with another village about a patch of land. Quite a few people were arrested. My host was also arrested for a separate incident where he was falsely accused of insulting the president. Hes been released though now and the case has been resolved. I can see Africa is very unpredictable but Im in no danger, as long as I dont discuss Gambian politics!